The GF gourmet experts
About Die Frischemanufaktur
The history of the Flour Rebels
The year 2001 was a fateful year for the whole world. Also for me. After diagnoses like "you're just imagining all this" or "are you taking drugs?" I finally learned at the age of 19 that I had celiac disease. At that time doctors still gave unsuspecting advice like this: "Eat rye rather than wheat".
Two days after 9/11 I emigrated to Dubai. Nobody flew in my direction. I didn't have the slightest idea what I wanted to do in my dreamland.
No sign in the sky that one day the threads would come together in my gluten-free gourmet bakery.
When you have a path in front of you, many things don't really seem to make sense. When you look back, you realize that not a moment was wasted. Steve Jobs called this "connecting the dots. He also said that the worst thing that ever happened to him eventually turned out to be the best.
- Founding: 2016
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Food