Limbach Analytics GmbH – Arotop Laboratorien Mainz
About Arotop
Since 1990, arotop food & environment GmbH has been the proven partner of the food industry. You will find our headquarters with five accredited departments, the affiliated arotop Academy and our technical centre in Mainz. Here, excellently trained food chemists, microbiologists, chemists, ecotrophologists, statisticians and marketing experts work for your success. With a total of 60 employees, we provide you with understandable, comprehensible answers to your analytical or sensory questions and support you competently with food law advice. We have bundled the core competencies of arotop into five networked specialist areas: Food and water analysis, sensory and market research, food law, product development and training. Our institute has been accredited since 1995. The accredited area covers physical-chemical, chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis of food and animal feed. In addition, the physical, physical-chemical and chemical analysis of drinking water, water and waste water. The sampling of drinking water, water, wastewater and cooling water is also accredited.
- Founding: 1990
- Focus : Service
- Employees: 51-200
- Industry : analytics, Contract laboratories