Metsä Board enters the final of the European Carton Excellence Award 2018 with six submissions

10-Sep-2018 - Finland

Pro Carton and ECMA have now announced the finalists of the European Carton Excellence Award 2018. Six of the 36 packs that made it into the final round will be made from Metsä Board board qualities. They were submitted in the following categories by Metsä Board customers: Frozen & Chilled Foods, Fast/Convenience Foods, Dry Foods & Beverages, Confectionery, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals and Non-Food.

Metsä Board

"We are really pleased that once again, a number of very different packagings made from our cardboard qualities are in the final round," explains Mika Paljakka, VP Sales EMEA, Metsä Board. "Today, it's all about reducing the use of non-renewable resources, meeting consumers' need for absolute safety and optimizing the user experience. We are convinced that our virgin fibre board qualities are ideally suited to these requirements. If an innovative design is added, there are advantages in every respect, as can be seen from the high-quality entries."

The winners of the European Carton Excellence Award are selected from hundreds of entries. The jury evaluates the entries according to the criteria of design, comfort and brand communication as well as the importance of cardboard as a sustainable packaging material.

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