Krombacher with strong growth after great summer 2018

14-Jan-2019 - Germany

Summer 2018 and the flourishing business with non-alcoholic soft drinks of the Schweppes and Orangina brands have brought strong growth to Germany's largest private brewery, Krombacher. The group's total output last year rose by 5.5 percent to almost 7.5 million hectoliters, as the company announced on Thursday. Turnover grew by a good 10 percent to 850 million euros.

Business with the non-alcoholic products of the Schweppes, Orangina and Dr. Pepper brands was particularly good for the brewer. The company even increased its output by 14.6 percent in 2018. But the family business from Siegerland also made strong gains in its core business. The Krombacher umbrella brand achieved record output of a good 6 million hectolitres, an increase of 4.5 percent over the previous year.

The German beer market as a whole is expected to have grown by around 1.5 to 2 percent in 2018 thanks to the record summer including non-alcoholic beers, according to first estimates by the industry magazine "Inside". Competitor Warsteiner reported a 6.8 percent increase in sales on Wednesday./rea/DP/mis (dpa)

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