McCain Announces a Partnership with NUGGS

11-Jul-2019 - Canada

McCain Foods, the global leader in frozen French fries, potato specialties and appetizers, announces a new strategic partnership and lead investment in NUGGS, a New York based start-up which has developed an innovative plant-based chicken nugget alternative.

The partnership combines NUGGS pioneering textured pea protein technology and breakthrough research & development process with McCain’s production and commercial expertise to accelerate the brand’s growth and deliver market scale.

NUGGS research and development process is based on a unique iterative methodology, whereby the product is constantly improved based on continuous consumer feedback.

The latest version of NUGGS plant-based chicken nugget alternative accurately simulates traditional chicken nuggets and tastes great. Compared to an animal-based chicken nugget, the NUGGS product is higher in protein and lower in calories.

“NUGGS is an incredible product in itself and a very tasty chicken nugget simulation. Furthermore, the NUGGS teams approach to fast, iterative innovation, based on constant consumer feedback is a great way to create products people love”, says Mauro Pennella, Chief Growth Officer at McCain Foods.

McCain’s partnership in NUGGS is aligned to its long-term sustainability priorities and strengthens its role as a partner to food and farming technology entrepreneurs.

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