SpectrumLeaf Europe's premium CBD brands list officially on the UK's Novel Food List

20-Jul-2022 - United Kingdom

SpectrumLeaf Europe's Cannadips CBD pouches and Elevar Hemp CBD oral strips have recently been added to the UK's Novel Food List. Whilst all CBD products on the list are all currently under the status of 'awaiting evidence,' the FSA (Food Standards Agency) published list shows which products have a creditable application with enough details to prove their safety. Information required for review include labelling, nutritional content, absorption, distribution, toxicology information and more.

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"We are very excited to have both Cannadips and Elevar Hemp products now part of the official Novel Foods list in the UK, which is one of the leading CBD markets in the world. It is crucial to SpectrumLeaf to do our best in keeping our products as transparent as possible in order to help consumers feel comfortable. This is especially important since both our Cannadips CBD in-mouth pouches and Elevar Hemp CBD oral strips come in unique formats developed to be absorbed directly through the mucosal membranes in the mouth for optimized efficiency. Any additional validations such as being listed on the Novel Foods list will undoubtfully instill further user confidence," says Felix Sundstrom, CEO of SpectrumLeaf Europe.

When CBD was declared a Novel Food in Europe in January 2019, the UK was the only country that required companies to submit an application for their CBD products with a goal of establishing a safe and regulated CBD industry. Other CBD products that do not meet the UK's Novel Food requirements would eventually need to be removed from shelves.

"Although making it onto the list does not mean that our products are fully authorized at this moment, we hope it will help retailers and consumers feel more assured and make informed judgments about purchases," continues Sundstrom.

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