Rebellyous Foods Raises $9.5M Equity Round

Investors Bank on Technology to Get Plant-Based Chicken to Price Parity

08-Feb-2023 - USA

Food manufacturing technology company Rebellyous Foods announced today that it has raised a $9.5M equity round to build its novel production technology. 

rebellyous foods

Led by former aerospace engineer, Christie Lagally, Rebellyous Foods has developed patented technology that unlocks production at cost-parity to animal-based chicken. Rebellyous will use the significant investment to deploy its breakthrough equipment and continue on its mission to grow accessibility and availability of plant-based meat through tech-backed solutions.

“During a tough economic slump, we are thrilled by this testament to investors’ belief in Rebellyous and in price parity as a solution to sustained growth of plant-based meat in the marketplace,” said Christie Lagally, founder and CEO of Rebellyous Foods. “The world is in desperate need of viable solutions to animal agriculture, and we are delighted we are one step closer to delicious, affordable plant-based meat for all.” 

"Rebellyous is the only company making meaningful strides towards price parity,” Mike Miller said, Board Member and Partner at Liquid 2 Capital. “The plant-based meat industry has shown us that the status quo isn't cutting it... and it takes a new style of thinking to look beyond food chemistry to manufacturing.”

Plant-based chicken is the second-fastest growing category of the plant-based meat sector and poised for remarkable segment growth. Rebellyous’ products are currently in more than 1000 retail locations and more than 100 school districts across the U.S.

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