The new EXTRA® plant-based chewing gum

Mars GmbH

The new EXTRA® plant-based chewing gum

For chewing gum fans who like it plant-based, EXTRA is expanding the range of Germany's most popular chewing gum brand[1] with a new chewing experience.

Long-lasting taste, fresh breath and a pleasant texture: the new EXTRA plant-based chewing gum has everything a chewing gum needs - and meets the growing demand for quality products made from natural or plant-based ingredients. This is especially true for younger people: 40 percent of Germans describe themselves as vegans, vegetarians or flexitarians, and younger respondents in particular are more likely to say they follow a vegetarian diet[2].

The basic ingredient of the new chewy treat is chicle made from the sap of the sapodilla tree. The inhabitants of Latin America chewed the gummy substance thousands of years ago. To get at the sap of the trees, the farmers - who call themselves "chicleros" - carefully carve narrow channels into the bark and collect the liquid that oozes out. The Aztecs and Mayans already extracted chicle in this sustainable way.

All the ingredients in the new chewing gum come from nature. The pleasant, sugar-free sweetness comes from tooth-friendly xylitol (birch sap) and stevia. The flavors of the three flavors - spearmint, peppermint and strawberry - are also natural. And the external values are also right: The dragées come in a paper-based box that is recyclable and has no plastic outer packaging.

The taste winner: freshness that hits the spot

The new plant-based EXTRA chewing gum in the Spearmint flavour has already impressed consumers in a previous test with a comparable product3, for example in the categories "long-lasting taste" and "breath freshness".


[1] Nielsen, RMS GUM, Total Germany, MAT -June 2024

[2] Forsa survey on plant-based nutrition, Germany 2023, N= 1,026 people aged 18 and over

3 Consumer test with 106 people aged between 13 and 59, DE in March 2022. In comparison: Extra® plant-based chewing gum (Spearmint) with comparable competitor product

Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of current news. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.

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